Róna Jaroslav *1956

Spaces II, 1991

oil, acrylic, wooden panel, 95 × 84 cm, signed. LD RÓNA 91
Jaroslav Róna is a painter, sculptor, glass artist and graphic designer. In 1978-1984 he studied at the Academy of Arts and Crafts in Prague under Prof. Stanislav Libenský. In 1987 he became one of the founding members of the Hardheads group. In the field of painting and sculpture he became one of the outstanding personalities of his generation. In the first half of the 1980s he joined the artistic associated with a grotesque perception of contemporary society. In addition to he worked on set designs for films, He has also produced several works in public space. His painting and sculptural work is based on the legacy of some of the fundamental movements of the early 20th century, from several waves of Central European and Czech Symbolism. He follows a strong current of "new figuration", which responded to the previous abstraction. It has a distinct sense of expressing atmosphere, of a predominantly dark colour palette. He belongs to the artists who are not afraid to go their own way. regardless of the prevailing currents. Today he is definitely one of the classics of contemporary Czech art. He has had numerous solo exhibitions in state and private galleries (Galerie capital. Prague, Václav Špála Gallery in Prague, Gallery of Fine Arts Karlovy Vary, MXM Gallery, ...) he was invited to participate in a number of collective (Confrontations IV-VII, 1986-1987, Grotesqueness in Czech Art, Gallery of the Capital City of Prague, Czech Republic. Prague, participated in all domestic and foreign exhibitions group Tvrdohlaví, the Contemporary World Glass show at MOMA, Hokkaido, Jakub and Angel exhibition at Mánes in Prague, etc. He is represented in the National Gallery in Prague, in the Gallery of the Capital City of Prague, in the Gallery of Klatovy / Klenová, in the Alš South Bohemian Gallery in Hluboká and in many other domestic and foreign, public and private collections. Lit.: Jiří Orlič, JAROSLAV RÓNA, published by Gallery in association with Gallery Fine Arts in Ostrava, 2010, p.10. Lit.: Barbora Půtová (ed), Enchantment with Africa, Moravian Museum, 2019, p. 200. The owner purchased these works in J. Róna's studio at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. Róna was trying to tame emotions in his dreamlike figuration in addition to his in his work. This resulted in several paintings where still life is the basis (Blue Still Life, Blue Parrot, etc.) and paintings of spaces (Space I and Space II). It was period of superactive postmodernism, when a part of the art community tried to to create a new, detached form of artwork.

33 auction 65

starting price 100 000 CZK € 4 098

hammer price 290 000 CZK

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