David Jiří *1956

On the Interface, 2010

mixed media, canvas, 90 × 90 cm, signed JIŘÍ on the reverse DAVID, ON THE BORDER, 2010
Jiří David, contemporary Czech multimedia artist, belongs to the artistic generation that contributed to the formation of the Czech postmodern painting. He took part in the legendary unofficial exhibitions of the Confrontations (since 1984) and with his peers founded in 1987 group of the Hardheads in 1987. His work has undergone a transformation from expressive painting towards postmodern work with the image, its expressive and content components that were close to the Italian transavantgarde and German Wild. In the years that followed, David devoted himself to painting and photography, objects and installation. The unifying element of his of his works is a performative approach and engagement in which the artist reveals his own and social identity in a critical way. In well-known photographic series Hidden Forms (1991-1995), he manipulated photographic portraits of famous personalities or showed crying politicians In the last ten years, David has again more towards painting, working with a variety of processes and expressive means, such as combining different layers of paint, spray and stencils to form a multi-layered, often abstracted pictorial space. The different stylistic focus of the paintings is related to the artist's intention to explore the possibilities of the contemporary painting medium and its communication in today's technical and digital world. Jiří David graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (1982-1987). From 1995-2002 he worked as the head of the Visual Communication Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and in 2004-2020 as head of the Intermedia Studio Intermedia Communication at the UMPRUM in Prague. He is undoubtedly best known in the media was his 17-metre neon heart for Václav Havel, placed at Prague Castle in 2002. In 2015, he represented the installation Apotheosis in the national pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Provenience: majitel získal z ateliéru autora.

59 auction 65

starting price 70 000 CZK € 2 869

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